Surfskate trucks: swingarm vs bushing trucks

Surfskate trucks: swingarm vs bushing trucks

When it comes to the key differences between swingarm trucks (like those used by Carver C7, YOW, SmoothStar, Abian etc) and bushing trucks (such as those found onkingpin trucks, Carver CX, Grasp etc), the distinctions primarily revolve around the mechanisms that allow for turning, carving, and overall maneuverability of the skateboard.

Swingarm trucks, like those found on Carver C7, YOW, SmoothStar, Abian, utilize a unique mechanism that allows for a more fluid and responsive ride. These trucks pivot on a fixed point and extend the swinging arm, which replicates the tail slide of a surfboard and allows the rider to generate propulsion for fluid carves and cuts. The SmoothStar Thruster, for example, allows for more aggressive rail-to-rail surfing, as it imitates the drive and resistance experienced in a real surf scenario. This makes swingarm truck boards fantastic for surf training and improving your surfing technique off-water.

On the other hand, bushing trucks like those on kingpin trucks, Carver CX, Grasp, etc operate in a more traditional skateboard manner but with enhanced turning capabilities. These trucks utilize a pair of rubbery, flexible bushings on each truck that compress when the rider leans, effectively enabling the board to turn. The bushing system allows for a tighter turning radius and quicker rebound back to center, providing a surfing-like feel. However, the overall movement tends to be less fluid than the swingarm system, and the ride may feel more reminiscent of traditional skateboarding, albeit with enhanced carving ability.

In conclusion, both truck systems have their unique benefits and drawbacks. While swingarm trucks provide a more fluid and surf-like riding experience, bushing trucks offer a tighter turning radius and quicker rebound, giving the rider a surfing-like feel but with the familiarity of traditional skateboarding mechanics. The choice between the two will often come down to personal preference, riding style, and the specific surfing maneuvers a rider wishes to replicate or practice.
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